  Public Ticket #2731826
Contact Form


  • cosmano started the conversation

    Not able to receive any message from  FORM submitted.

    Is there any extra configuration to do in order to receive collected information by email

  •  220
    Andrey replied

    Hello Dear Customer!

    In order to fix this issue with contact form, please connect your host via FTP in Binary mode and go to this directory: \wp-content\themes\your_theme's_folder\framework-customizations\extensions\forms\extensions\contact-forms\views\

    Rename file form.php to form.php.old

    Then download the new file form.php here: 


    Put in the same directory as the old form file.

    Then open in Unyson Page Builder the options of the shortcode:


    Check such fields as "Email To", "From Name", "From Address":



    Save all changes, clear cache in a browser, and re-test the web form once more.

    Then check the inbox folder of your email (and just in case "SPAM" folder).

    Best Regards!

  •  220
    Andrey replied

    Hello, Dear Customer! 

    If you like our support and have a free minute - please give a positive rating for our theme. 

    To do this - please log in at themeforest.net, click "downloads", choose and rate our WordPress Theme. 

    You may strongly rely on our support in the future.

    Best Regards!